Articles on: Getting started as an Artist

Completing Artist Profile


Art buyers and collectors would normally like to know more information about the artists before making a purchase of an artwork. It is a good idea for an artist to keep their profile up to date and also provide an artist statement. An Artist's profile has a few more fields which can be used to provide additional information like a brief overview, their educational background and their inspiration behind their chosen medium. Artists can also use this page to include their social media handle for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & LinkedIn profiles.

This kind of information can increase your chances of selling your artwork and it can also provide an opportunity for users on our platform to follow you on other social media sites. You can update these setting in 'My Profile' section. Below are the steps to update your profile.

Complete Your Profile
Reading and understanding more about you as an artist is sometimes very important to art collectors who are considering buying your work, knowing the most common medium you use and the genre of your artwork could help art buyers in making decisions on an art purchase.

Generally speaking, your profile should include information, such as: where you were born, raised and studied. Where you currently live, exhibitions where your artwork has been showcased, prizes and awards you've won. You can also update other information like your genre, your chosen medium and galleries where your artwork is showcased.

It is recommended for an artist profile to have one or many items listed below :

Where you were born and raised and your educational background.
Your artistic influences and what are your inspirations.
Your genre, mediums and techniques and if possible why these were chosen?
Whether you have received formal education/tutelage or you are a self-taught artist.
Exhibitions where your artwork was showcased or galleries where your artwork is on show.

To update your profile, login to RtistiQ website and from your dashboard veiw select Edit Profile.

Artist Profile

Fill in the top section
Select the image icon on the bottom right corner of the banner and choose a banner. This could be one of your artworks. Click on Profile picture icon on the bottom left and select one of your profile shots.

Step 1 – From the top portion select the photo icon(camera icon) on the right corner, click on select file button and browse to one of your artworks from your computer and select the banner.

Step 2 – From the top portion select on the photo icon(camera icon) in the middle, click on select file button and browse and select a profile picture from your computer.


Step 3 – Add your website and social media account details

Social Profile

Select your Art Medium and Styles of creations for better tagging the collectors to your profile, and click on "Save & Continue"

Step 4Personal Info tab: Provide more details about your Current Location, Birth Year, Birth Country and your personal Quote to be included while we feature your profile

Update Your Brief Information

This section can be used to provide a brief information about yourself as an artist or you can have your Artist Statement that describes your body of work. Your brief information should be no longer than 300 characters / 30 words which should be sufficient to provide some information about yourself and your body of work.

Brief Intro

In your artist statement and brief information you may consider providing information about some of the question as below :

What is the genre, medium and subject matter of my artwork?
Where and how do I find my inspiration?
How do I want my audience to view and understand my artwork?

Step 5 – Add your career highlights and a detailed overview about your artistic career

Update Your Overview
This section can be used to provide any additional information about yourself as an artist including where you were born, your upbringing and how you chose your genre, medium and technique. This is also a good section to provide information about the awards you have won, the exhibitions where your artwork is showcased etc.

Detailed Overview

Step 6 – Add details about your Art Education, Art Inspirations and Residencies

Education Details

You may choose to Exit the proile update by clicking on "Save and Exit" or continue to add additional details which are options

Add Exhibitions, Art Fairs, Awards & Recognitions, Art Collections and Publications

Click on the respective tabs to add the details required at any point in time

Additional Information

These are optional details to give a comprehensive view about your artistic career and for the collectors to make a more informed decision in their art selection as well as appreciate the pricing submitted.

One of the distinguishing features of RtistiQ is the way we Authenticate, Secure Art Registry and Provenance using advanced and modern digital technologies such as Blockchain registry and NFC/IOT devices. Before adding artworks to the platform, Artists must first setup their blockchain account and then the NFC Stickers would be couriered across that would have to be attached at the back of the Artworks that need to be uploaded to the platform.

Updated on: 22/05/2021

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