Articles on: Buying Art on RtistiQ

Quote and Order Artwork

As an end user or a buyer, any user can browse to an artwork and can quote a price to the artwork. Users can quote a price by browsing to the artwork and on the right corner next to the price of the artwork there is a Quote your Price button that one can click to send a message to the artist along with the quoted price.

After sending user's quote it will be in pending status for artist to view the quote and either accept or reject the quote.

Artist's can either Approve or Reject the quoted price, collector's or the buyer's will get a notification on the Artist's response. If the quoted price is approved by the artist, one may proceed with acquiring the artwork.

User who had quoted a price for the artwork can now log back into the platform and can buy the artwork for Quoted price.

User can add the artwork at quoted price to shopping cart by clicking on "Add to Cart" button and do checkout artwork at quoted price.

Updated on: 23/11/2020

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